A Few Photos From Our Customers

Greg travelled through Alice Springs with his Maxview Crank Up

Greg travelled through Alice Springs with his Maxview Crank Up


Paul's Winnebago fitted with Maxview Crank Up Satellite System.

Paul's Winnebago fitted with Maxview Crank Up Satellite System.


Paul with his fibreglass, fold in half, Optima75G dish set up at Leichhardt Falls.

Paul with his fibreglass, fold in half, Optima75G dish set up at Leichhardt Falls.


Brad travelled extensively throughout Australia with his Optima75T.

Brad travelled extensively throughout Australia with his Optima75T.


An offroad Kedron at Cottontree Caravan Park with the Optima75 dish aligned and in service.  Great to see our products out there and no doubt this van will be heading to remote areas where he'll need his dish for satellite TV service.


Maxview B2590/85AU Crank Up Dish

Merv and his wife showing off the new addition to their Volvo bus - a Maxview B2590/85AU Crank UP satellite dish.  Merv installed this himself.  Another happy customer.


Another happy customer with their Maxview Crank Up 


Maxview Crank UP B2590/85AU Crank Up Satellite Dish

Jeff and Narelle have been touring with their Otron van for the last ten months with their Maxview Crank Up roof mounted system.


A Maxview Crank Up being installed at our shop

Installation of the Maxview Crank Up on Dieter's Isuzu 4WD Offroad Camper.  


Great photo from Rob with his Crank Up system set up at Double Island Point, QLD.


Rob and Yvonne travelling around Tassie with the Maxview Connect

Rob and Yvonne travelling around Tassie with the Maxview Connect.


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