Featured Products


Looking for the best in portable satellite TV solutions?  SatPlus manufacture, build and distribute the best satellite TV systems in Australia.  Compare other systems from alternative suppliers and you'll see for yourself why our systems are the best on the market.  Our Australian made fibreglass Optima75T satellite dishes are the ultimate in portability.  Easiest to store and quick to deploy.  Our satellite kits will work all over Australia (subject to user ability and environmental conditions). 

Satellite TV is an ideal solution for people living in black spot TV reception areas and remote locations who cannot receive TV using a traditional antenna.  And no other company in Australia can streamline the supply, distribution and technical support of a customised home satellite TV kit like SatPlus.  

Do you receive a very weak TV signal causing pixelation or even no signal at all?  Our DIY satellite TV kits, once installed, will provide perfect reception of the all digital TV channels via the Viewer Access Satellite Television service known as VAST.

Call the Queensland store on 07 5455 5528 or the Victorian store on 03 9772 8318 for more information 

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