3 ABN now on the VAST Platform

3 ABN now on the VAST Platform

3ABN is now available via the VAST platform and requires the UEC 4921 VAST decoder and smartcard to access this service.  The 4921 decoder includes a smartcard which can be activated via the Mysat TV website - www.mysattv.com.au

Your existing cables and connections to the TV don't need to change as the new decoder will take place of your old one.

Once activated you'll receive the ABC and SBS regional channels as well as 3ABN (and any other Christian TV channels that are moving to the VAST platform).

Please keep in mind that your dish will require re-alignment and this can be completed by your local installer or by purchasing our pre-tuned SatPlus 3240B satellite meter.  This meter will be setup by us prior to shipping and when connected to your satellite dish (1.8m lead included), it is simply a matter of rotating the dish until signal is indicated on the meter via a signal quality bar and audio tone.  Some adjustment of elevation may be necessary however we also include a bonus detailed alignment manual that will tell you elevation and directional information.  Adjusting the dish is a straightforward task and will save you hundreds of dollars by avoiding the need to call in a technician.  You can opt to add on the meter via the drop down option.  If you would like more information on the Satplus 3240b meter click HERE.

Also, unlike the older Optus D2 service, the VAST service does require a 10700 LNB (the device on the end of the dish) and for the small cost it is a worthwhile purchase.  Replacing the LNB is easy and only requires that you remove the old LNB with a screw driver and spanner and install the new one.  Typical install time is around 10 minutes.  You can opt for a new LNB via the drop down option.  If you would like more information on the LNB click HERE

We offer this decoder at a better than competitive price and free freight as well.

  • SatPlus Australia

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